
Sunday, November 4, 2007


One of the most important factors in purchasing the right laptop comes down to choosing the right screen. In this article, I will give you some specific tips you can use to purchase a laptop with a right kind of screen that works for your situation. We'll discuss the issues of budget and practical uses which determine what kind of screen will be most beneficial for you. After reading this article, you should have all the information required to make the right purchase on your next laptop.

Not all screens are created equal. Their are standard aspect ratio screens, and then there are widescreens. There are 17 inch screens, there are 15 inch screens, and sizes even smaller than that. Some screens boastantireflective technology. But what does this have to do with you?

Before we can determine what screen is right for you, we have to know your situation. What are you going to use your laptop for? If you're going to use it for games, multimedia purposes, photo editing, music production, etc. then there are specific types of screens that will help you get the best out of these experiences. On the other hand, if you're going to be using your laptop more for research, work, or to check your e-mail then less may be more.

To start with the differences between a widescreen is standard aspect ratio screen. A widescreen is beneficial mostly for DVD watching. This is because the horizontal or vertical proportions closely mimic a home theater. Although widescreens can be beneficial for gamers, it hasn't quite reached the mass market yet. Most games are still made for a standard aspect ratio screen, although the future trends point to widescreens.

Widescreens are not as easy for the user who reads a lot of text on the computer. This is because a widescreen doesn't have as high a vertical display. This means there is going to be more scrolling when you're reading text documents. How will this affect you? You must consider how often you read information on the Internet and your computer, versus how often you use it to watch movies, play games, and run programs with complex interfaces.

Another thing to consider is your lifestyle. Are you going to be taking your laptop with you everywhere you go? Or is it mainly going to be commuted to and from work, and that's it? Believe it or not, a large portion of the weight on your laptop is from your screen. Try this -- go to the store and pick up a laptop with a 17 inch screen, and then pick up a laptop with a 14.1 inch screen. Are you surprised at the difference in weight? Many people who have a big-screen complain about the weight of carrying it around.

There are currently many innovations being worked on, regarding laptop LCD screens. If a dealer tries to woo you into purchasing a certain brand, because it has special anti-reflective technology which reduces glare, don't be tricked. Almost every manufacturer has this technology, and has it specifically under their own name. The best test is the eye test -- compare one display to another, and choose the one they'll express to you. That's the one is going to have a better display, for your purposes.

One thing to consider is how often you plan on using the laptop while it is running on battery power. There are specific kinds of laptop screens which utilize different amounts of backlight, to power the screen. The backlight is the most intensive on the laptop battery. There are new innovations in this area, including a white LED light which is being developed, and other options to help give the battery more power, and last longer. If this is something that's a major concern with you, talk to a dealer about what options are available for you, regarding backlight efficient laptop screens.

In conclusion, I have given you some options to consider when purchasing your next laptop. Obviously, there are other factors that are involved besides the screen, however the screen is a big source of grief for people who purchase a laptop and are unhappy with it. Follow the advice given in this article, and use it appropriately the next time you are shopping for a laptop, and are considering the screen size.

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