
Sunday, November 4, 2007


Step 1 - Clearly Define the Project

During project initiation phase, it is imperative that key stakeholders have a clear understanding of what the project goals are and how success will be measured. The first step in defining the "what" of the project is to develop a scope statement. The scope statement outlines the justification for the project, its products, objectives, deliverables and serves as the basis for future project decisions. The Scope Statement can be as short as a few sentences or as long as a couple of pages. Of course, the scope statement will not be as detailed as the overall project plan, but should contain enough detail to help define the work required to complete the project. A well-written scope statement will become the primary input to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Step 2 - Spend Quality Time with your Project Experts

Stakeholders often expect accurate estimates even before the project team has had an opportunity to assess, evaluate, and plan the work. At this stage pin point accuracy is not realistic but reliable estimates are very possible when the right people are involved in the process. To achieve this, it is essential that knowledgeable resources actively participate in the cost and schedule estimating processes. You must include the people who will be actually performing the work on the project or those who have experience with the type of project being estimated. In most cases, the project manager does not have the insight of those doing the work and team members are far more likely to endorse the plan if it reflects their own input.

Step 3 - Project Management Tools

On the down side, we do not always practice what we preach as it relates to the principles of project management planning. However, with the availability of the internet, public libraries and local bookstores, you will easily be able to find the latest information and valuable pointers on how to proceed. These sources will remind you of the the "Best Practices" that you learned in the classroom that tend to fall by the wayside when things get rushed as often happens during difficult or long projects.

When best practices are combined with the support of your group of experts you will be well on your way towards improving your projects success. By repeatedly following these tactics you will continue to deliver results that are consistent and measurable.

Lastly, one of the greatest resources for project information and direction that we often overlook comes from similar projects that you or your colleagues have done in the past. No matter how good or bad the outcome of a project, there will always be something valuable that you can take away and apply on your current or next project. So no matter how badly you want to forget a bad experience, keep the records in a safe place. You never know when you might be able to turn a bad past project into a future successful one.


One way of getting movies on to your ipod, is purchasing the movies you want, then ripping them onto your computer (which requires a DVD drive + Time), then you have to convert the movies to the format that your ipod can read (takes more time), and then finally transfer it onto your ipod (Takes even more time). There is an alternative solution to all this difficulty/waste of money and time. If you are wondering, How to download movies to my ipod? , please read on. I have answered the most commonly asked questions about this topic below.

1.) How is this method easier?

This method is easier because it saves you the time of going out and buying the movie,then getting it onto your computer, then converting and transferring it onto your ipod. When just downloading the movies in the ipod format and putting it your ipod is a lot more easier and cheaper.

2.) Are the programs used for Downloading the movies legal?

The programs listed below are legal and Authorized programs, and many people around the world subscribe to use their ipod to their full potential.

Here is a little hint: Anything that you pay for in the computer world is always legal

3.) What do I need to use these programs?

well, you need a ipod and a computer with an internet connection of course. Besides that just a good taste in movies

4.) Do the math/ is this method cheaper?

You will saves tons of money this way, because you wont be paying 30 dollars for a brand new release ,and you do not need to invest in any DVD ripping hardware or software ($100 - $200). All your paying for is one payment and u can download any movie on to your ipod.

5.) What else is offered with these programs?

There are many other things offered with this program. Not only movies are offered, you can also download , TV shows, seasons, Pre-recorded sports games/events, Music, Photos, Albums ..etc

6.) Do I need any extra software after i purchase the program?

Not at all. You will receive everything that you need in your member's area.

7.) How long will I have to wait to gain access to the program website?

instant access! After you join, your email-address will be instantly added to our database. You will then get an email which shows you how to access the members area.

8.)Are your services compatible with older iPods?

Yes! The only limitation is what your ipod is designed for. For example: if you have a ipod shuffle all you can download is music but if you have an ipod Video that you can download Videos.

9.) Okay, My question (How to download movies on to my ipod) is answered, now what do I do?

you can start by clicking any of the links below and subscribe for the program that suits your ipod needs


What is .NET?

.NET is the Microsoft Plan for connecting and sharing information, resources, systems and devices through Web Services for making more effective communication and collaboration between communities and people online.

.NET technology provides fast, efficient and easy to build, deploy and manage the secure solutions over the network using Web Services.

What are Web Services?

Web Services are reusable web applications that can be accessed over the internet from computers using different operating systems working together and exchanging information. There are 4 commonly used standard protocols for accessing and developing web services:

1. XML, Extensible Markup Language
2. SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol
3. WSDL, Web Services Description Language
4. UDDI, Universal Description Discovery and Integration

Working example of XML Web Services:

1. Client-to-Client: Clients or devices can apply web services to share the data anywhere anytime.
2. Client-to-Server: XML Web Services can share data between servers and desktop computers or smart devices connected via the internet.
3. Server-to-Server: XML Web Services provide a common interface between existing applications within independent servers.
4. Service-to-Service: XML Web Services collectively provide more complex data operations.

What is .NET Passport Service?

.NET passport is a Web-based Service of Microsoft .Net technology that provides the facility of fast and easy signing in to Web Sites. .Net Passport Service authenticates a user with a single set of sign in credentials on number of web sites participating in .Net Passport authentication services. It has reduced the need of remembering different login passwords of number web sites and made it easy for users.

Benefits of Web Services

Web Services enable the applications to share the data across different hardware platforms and operating systems. Few of the benefits of Web Services are:

1. Ease of connecting with affiliate partners and make easy collaboration and communication between business partners.
2. Provides more personal and integrated experience to end users who use smart devices like mobiles, PDAs or even PCs.
3. Revenue increment directly by enabling your business to make rich Web Services for others.
4. Easy development without wasting time and money.


Getting a Free Laptop has become a new trend. A "Get a Free Laptop" website owner was recently interviewed by CNN - since then the site's laptop giveaway had skyrocketed!

So how does the whole free laptop program work? The site which offers you a free laptop requires from 3 to 10 sign-ups to different programs and products. Some are free trials, some are 1-5$/month memberships which could be cancelled.

When you sign up for such membership, you become a potential client for the company. The owner of the site receives a pretty decent amount of money for each and every person who signs up through his (her) site. So if each company offers you 200$ for a new client, it adds up to 1000$ from 5 companies. Laptop costs 500$. When you sign up for all the memberships, the owner of the Get Free Laptop site receives 1000$, then sends you a 500$ laptop and his is profit is roughly 500$ per person. It's a win-win-win situation for you, advertiser and the Free Laptop site owner.

Be aware! Some of these sites are pure scam and will never give you a penny for anything. Certain sites were talked about in the news on CNN and NBC - the credible sites, the ones that actually give you a laptop when you complete the required offers. Spending 1$-20$ on great offers and receiving a brand new free laptop for it is one heck of a deal!

When you decide to get a free laptop, make sure the site is legit and real. If the site does not offer a way of getting in touch with them - it is 100% scam. You should also be able to verify your gift status at any time.


The first common mistake when referring to the Internet is that word. 'Internet' is the name given to all of the computers connected together in a network around the world, which form the Internet. The Internet has two main applications which people use, these being the World Wide Web (WWW) and E-mail (Electronic Mail). Firstly we will talk about the World Wide Web, so read on!

The World Wide Web (the web) is a collection of pages hosted on the Internet. These pages are held on servers (big computers) all over the globe. There are several tips and tricks which you should bear in mind as you browse the web.

Every day the Web becomes more and more sophisticated. With the rise of digital media, such as photos, music and video being available on the web, the pressure put on the network is growing rapidly. Sites such as YouTube host many thousands of videos, which can be requested at any time from anywhere in the world. These kind of websites use tremendous amounts of Bandwidth (how much data is being sent down the phone lines), and therefore can affect the speeds of the web.

Slow websites can often put people off from visiting, and may cause you to lose your patience and give up on the Internet all together. However, there are several ways of trying to ensure that you get the most out of the Internet, and in the shortest time possible!

Pictures, sounds and animations (such as those made in Flash) can slow down the speed of a website. If you are looking for fast responding websites, always check to see whether there is a 'Text Only' version of the website. If you don't require the pictures on a website then you will often notice how much quicker the text only pages are to load.

My next piece of advice is... DON'T DOUBLE CLICK! Links on websites should only be clicked once. As long as the status bar at the bottom of your browser shows that the page has begun to load, clicking again will only slow the process down. If you click a link on a website more than once, even a double click, causes massive delays to pages downloading. This is because, when you click on a link, a request is sent to the web server for that website for the page to be loaded, if you click on the link again, another request is sent, and everything which has already been loaded from your first click is lost, and you have to start waiting again! Remember, web links only need clicking once!

If you're following all of the above steps, and webpages are still appearing slowly then it may be worth upgrading your computer / Internet connection or both, in order to make your Internet experience more enjoyable. Faster connections mean less download time, and you'll notice a real difference in pages with pictures and video content!

If you've got the hang of using the Web itself, you're probably thinking "OK, I know what I'm doing, but how do I find what I'm looking for?" Search engines are the most popular choice for finding what it is that you're after. Some of the most popular ones are Google, Yahoo and MSN. Here is a piece of useful advice for using search engines: Before clicking on a link (in a search engine), take a look at the URL, or 'web address' (this usually starts in HTTP://WWW.). In search engine results, this is usually displayed below the description of the result, or can be seen by hovering your mouse over a link. The URL will then be temporarily shown in the Status bar at the bottom of your web browser. Refrain from clicking on links which point to URL's which are obviously comparison websites, where the information you have searched for is displayed with suggested links, or sponsored links. This often results in double the time being spent actually trying to find what you're looking for.

Search engine results can be hit or miss, but the majority of the time, you will have little success in finding what you're looking for using a search engine. Another way to find information is by using directory services, these include Google Directory and Dmoz. These directory websites are arranged by category and often include a search facility too. They effectively categorize websites so that you don't waste time searching by keywords, but by what you're looking for. After familiarizing yourself with these directories, you will probably find that they will save you lots of time on search engines!

Thankfully, speeding up your email usage is a lot simpler. There are some golden rules. These include; unless it is essential do not send large attachments. They take a long time to leave your machine, and they bug the recipient as they take a long time to download too. The second pointer is, don't fill your emails with smileys and graphics, as these add to download and upload times. Again, if your system takes a long time to download mail, consider a faster Internet connection. If you are looking to create yourself an email address for the first time, free services are available from Gmail, Yahoo and Microsoft Hotmail as well as numerous other providers.

I sincerely hope that this article has helped increase your Internet efficiency, and wish you many happy years of Internet browsing!


So you think you've got a computer virus.

Well, if your computer's acting funny all of the sudden, chances are pretty good you've got a virus or some other malware causing the trouble. This can be a very disturbing feeling and if you're like me, you'll want to do whatever it takes to get your computer back to normal again.

Luckily, in almost all cases, dealing with a virus situation is pretty straight forward. In fact, there are really only three steps:

1. Detect the virus 2. Remove the virus 3. Prevent future viruses
There are lots of free online virus scan tools that can help you detect viruses which is the first thing you need to do. Two that I can recommend are the McAfee Stinger tool and the Panda ActiveScan online tool. Both of these tools are very effective at detecting viruses and the Panda ActiveScan tool is also good at detecting spyware.

I recently ran the Panda ActiveScan tool on my laptop. Installing the tool takes several minutes but it's pretty painless. It ran for about 5 minutes and luckily my laptop is virus free! However, it did detect 45 cases of spyware. The spyware all looked like harmless cookies from various websites so I left them alone.

Now that you've detected the viruses, you need to go to step #2, removing the viruses. The good news is, the McAfee Stinger download will not only detect the virus, it will often be able to remove the virus, too. The Panda online scan tool will only detect the virus but will only remove any viruses found for a small fee.

You've found and removed the virus from your computer. The final step is to keep your computer from getting infected again. There are two very important things you need to do to prevent future viruses. First, you need to make sure your computer always has the most current updates and patches. If it's a Windows computer, click here to make sure it's up-to-date:, then follow the instructions.

The other thing you need to do is make sure you have good antivirus and antispyware software running on your computer at all times. My personal recommendation is to use the Panda Security Anti-Virus Products. They've been in business since 1990 and their antivirus applications are top notch. There are lots of great antivirus applications, though.

The key is to make sure you've got the antivirus software running and it has the most up-to-date virus definition files (also called DAT files). You could have the greatest antivirus software in the world but if the virus definitions are even a little bit out of date you've increased your chances of getting reinfected.

Even though you got hit with a virus, if you follow the three steps I outlined here, you'll have a clean system and be more protected from viruses and other malware in the future.


DVD is very successful, and would definitely be around for quite sometime. However, as implemented. It is not a high definition format instead its just a typical output video. With the new technology it is now being enhanced to provide people the best quality of entertainment they ever wanted.

All the actions, all the adventures that we have right now can definitely make you say I've got everything I want in an entertainment. But what if there is something your eyes is missing, something perfect, with 6 times resolution of standard dvd. You are about to enter to entire the new world. Collect clips of your favorite scene while the movie is playing. Go behind the scene. Change camera angle High def and fully connected online that allows you to download contents. The future of high definition is here. Everything yow want just got a whole lot better, spectacular high definition feature. You can now own the movies you want with the entire new level of interactivity. Below are the difference between Blu ray disc and HD DVD,

Blu-ray DiscIt is the next generation optical packaged media disc format. It was named as Blu-ray for the reasons that the laser beam which reads the data from the new discs is blue violet instead of red. This so called blue laser disc technology has a shorter wave length than a red laser, that makes it possible to read data with greater precision. The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video, as well as storing large amounts of data. Great privilege of watching


The HD (High-Definition) DVD standard is designed to be the successor to the standard DVD format, and is derived from the same underlying technologies. It is a next-generation optical disc format, featuring a significant increase in storage capacity facilitating support for high definition (HD) video and audio. The HD DVD name is derived from its origination as a high-definition extension of the DVD optical disc format.

Technical Specification

Storage capacity

Blu Ray Disc

25GB single layer

50GB double layer


15GB single layer

30GB double layer

Laser wavelength

Blu Ray Disc - 405nm (blue laser) HD DVD - 405nm (blue laser)


Blu Ray Disc - 120mm

HD DVD - 120mm

Disc thickness

Blu Ray Disc - 1.2mm

HD DVD - 1.2mm

Protection layer

Blu Ray Disc - 0.1mm

HD DVD - 0.6mm

Hard coating

Blu Ray Disc - Yes


Data transfer rate (data)

Blu Ray Disc - 36.0Mbps (1x)

HD DVD - 36.55Mbps (1x)

Data transfer rate (video/audio)

Blu Ray Disc - 54.0Mbps (1.5x)

HD DVD - 36.55Mbps (1x)

Video resolution (max)

Blu Ray Disc - 1920 x 1080 (1080p)

HD DVD - 1920 x 1080 (1080p)

Video bit rate (max)Blu Ray Disc - 40.0Mbps

HD DVD - 28.0Mbps

High-Def Market share

From the average consumer's stand-point, there is little difference between the two technologies. Both formats offer support for HD audio and video and they both have the potential to emerge as the sole successor to DVD. Some of the major differences are BD's higher production costs and superior storage capacity of 23.3GB per layer vs HD's 15GB.

Other Interesting facts:

* The Nichi Corporation, who holds the design patents to the Blu-ray's laser system, sits as an associate member of the HD DVD Promotion Group.

* Even though Apple sits on the Blu-ray Board of Directors, its DVD Studio Pro software supports authoring HD DVD media.

* Blu-ray, unlike HD DVD, requires a hard coating on its discs because it's 0.5m closer to the surface. The polymer coating it uses, called Durabis, was developed by TDK and is supposedly extremely resilient and fingerprint resistant.

* The Java platform is mandatory on Blu-ray as it's the standard for menus/multimedia (i.e. all Blu-ray systems must support JVM)

* DVD version of the Xbox 360 is rumored for the future.

* The first consumer Blu-ray device in the US market is expected to be the PlayStation 3.


Everyone wants to sell something or another. With the Internet it has become much easier to find places that you can sell a product and not have to pay to advertise it locally in a newspaper.

With sites like Craigslist and Gumtree you can now post your ad for free and sell whatever you want. Those sites make it easy for you to select a location and put your ad and then sit back and wait for someone to email you or call you. Millions of people visit those ads on a monthly basis and are becoming every more popular. So if you have items that have been laying around forever and you just don't know what to do with them now you have a place to sell them.

Also, if you are a small business and hampered with advertising rates you need to also utilize Craiglslist and Gumtree to post about your business services and what you can provide for others. Posting is still free and still seen by millions.

Of course there are ways to make all of these postings even easier now with posting programs that you can purchase in order to do the work for you. If you do searches for these posting programs I'm sure you will find quite a few.

Don't miss out on the free ways to sell items and to advertise your services on the Internet. They are out there and it's just a matter of utilizing them.


GPS or global positioning system is a tracking system that can keep track of location via the use of satellite systems. A GPS tracking device can easily be attached to a car, person, backpack, etc.

What is GPS tracking for children?GPS tracking for children uses a lightweight tracking device that can attach to a backpack or clip onto pants. Some GPS tracking devices for children are worn like watches or even attached to the shoes. The GPS tracking for children allows parents to easily find a child who gets lost or wanders away. It can also be used to help locate a child that is abducted.

How does GPS tracking work?The GPS utilizes satellite-based navigation techniques. There are a series of satellites used for this purpose which were put into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. The signals emitted are specially coded so that the receivers can process the information and distinguish it from other information. GPS satellites are constantly circling the earth, providing precise information. The system can take the information from the signal and calculate the exact location of the user.

GPS tracking is done through various companies equipped for this service. The GPS device is purchased and programmed appropriately. Parents subscribe to a monthly user service. The fees for these services vary. The tracking device is attached to the child or kept in the child's possession and turned on. The system can track people to within about several yards so it is quite accurate.

What can I find out from the tracking system?That depends on the type of tracking service you get. There are some service plans that offer several "trackings" per month while other plans may offer unlimited trackings. Some can give you the tracking information through the internet or by telephone while others may provide software for your computer so that you can do the tracking yourself. Most tracking systems offer optional reports so you can see the activity on the tracking device. Real time tracking is typically more expensive.

Most parents use GPS tracking system to find a child that is lost. The technology is able to locate the street or actual address of an individual with incredible accuracy. Parents can use tracking software to find the location or call up the tracking company who can quickly provide details of the location.

What are the negatives?For one thing, GPS tracking systems for children are expensive. Expect to pay anywhere from $150 onwards for the device itself. Monthly service plans may cost between $25 and $100 a month. Multiple devices (for several children) definitely cost more.

GPS tracking system for children can give parents a peace of mind. However, some children, especially as they become older, may not want to use the device and they may simply turn it off. Nevertheless, it should be considered a valuable parenting tool that is particularly well suited to younger children. Don't use the device instead of good old-fashioned parenting. Always provide ample age-appropriate supervision to your children.


The latest brand iPod portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. was launched in 2001. Known for its capacity to record and store songs in much large number than other media players, it also serve as external data storage devices.

It is possible for the user to transfer music to the devices with the help of Apple's iTunes software. The user can also transfer photos, videos, video games, and calendars to iPods, making it more technically more sophisticated. The Apple iPods have created a record by making a sale of 110 million unit's world wide making it the best digital audio player that ever had got launched in history.

It was the during the manufacturing of various electronic devices like digital cameras, and camcorders, that Apple came to know the clumsy useless condition of musical devices making them to get into the production of iPods an alternative to the existing media players. It took around one year for Apple to get the product developed and launched. On October 23, 2001, Apple unveiled iPods with the caption "1000 songs in your pocket," which was an instant hit in the market.

iPod was named by Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copy writer and was demonstrated in the public for the first time in New Jersey in March 1998. But it again took two years to begin the commercial use. It was in November 2003, the trademark got registered. Apple Inc. launched its first limited edition iPods in December 2002. Later a special edition of its fourth generation monochrome iPod was introduced by Apple.
Apple also had to face criticisms as the advertised battery life was found differing from the original one. It was resulted with a couple of law suits getting filed against the company which was later settled by offering a free battery replacement.


This question is often overlooked by IT and network managers with modem IT and communications equipment and many product supply companies simply supply 24VAC solutions but is the best option?

Most modern communications and It support equipment is designed around world DC 24 V and -48VDC power supply standards and this offers a number of options. For longer run times with back up power support, integrations with other site equipment and better power stability / quality DC power is often a better solution.

One of the major advantages in considering both options carefully is cost. Often financial short and long term gains can be achieved through the use of DC options or provide critical base power loads.

Managers posed with this question should carefully consider options and seek the best options from technology support providers with experience in this area to achieve the best solution.

InfraWorks is an industry leading supplier of technology support products including AC and DC power solutions from the worlds leading manufactures. Through the integration of communications and power solutions InfraWorks understands all of the issues to be considered in selecting the right base power load and can provide engineering advice support and total design services for clients.

With environmental issues and best practices now being required to comply with corporate environmental guidelines InfraWorks can supply the best engineered solution to ensure all best practices are complied with including correct removal and disposal of old technology equipment.

The Key Difference Between AC & DC

In 1887 direct current (DC) was king. At that time there were 121 Edison power stations scattered across the United States delivering DC electricity to its customers. But DC had a great limitation -- namely, that power plants could only send DC electricity about a mile before the electricity began to lose power.


Web pages are getting popular day by day. A good web page should have an attractive layout and design. It should look great and be pleasant and easy to use even for the first time web users. It should be easy to navigate through out. Avoid too many advertisements on the web page. Each web page must have a link to the home page. It will see to it that web users do not get lost. Take care not to include too many pop-up ads and pop-up boxes that can be distracting and disturbing. This could be annoying to a visitor. Use black color text against a light color background, so that it will be legible even to the visually challenged. Different fonts may be employed to highlight different ideas. Design a web page that will take lesser time to load. Minimize the use of images that is likely to take longer to download. This factor is likely to be favored by the many time crunched, weary web traveler. Avoid using slow loading graphics. Optimize the page by using thumb nail graphics to save on space and fewer colors to make it pleasant to the eye. The thumb nail image can be enlarged if needed, by clicking on it. Use simple and small icons that have a hint to draw the attention of a visitor to the webpage. Customize a web page and design it the way you want.

Design the web page using HTML. But avoid using BLINKS. After creating a web page and uploading it, it is essential to maintain it. If it contains links to other sites, check periodically if those websites exist and whether they are being updated or have changed the address. Many ideas and facts change faster as time goes on. These have to be constantly updated. Put a site map. This will give an idea to the visitor how to reach a certain page. For privacy and security measures, do not disclose too much of personal information about you on your web page.

Hints must be provided to the visitor as to what he finds in the site so that he does not waste his precious time searching for the information not provided here. The information provided on the web page should be useful for the visitor to the site. It should be rich in content. It should be precise and concise. Make a little effort to make it attractive and eye catching. Before launching the web page, check for spelling and grammatical errors. If a visitor likes your web page and finds it useful, they will visit your site again and again. So keep the web page updated with new information. Post the text in narrow columns, so that it will be easier to read without the need to scroll. A great ecommerce solution can definitely help you getting an effective web page together with shopping card and other online transaction stuff.

Test how your webpage design looks, using different computers and different browsers and settings. An updated webpage is sure to attract the attention of many customers and professional web design companies. Anybody in need of a web design company is sure to be impressed by your web page and contact you and this is sure to bring in more ecommerce development. A webpage design maybe simple but if it is effective as it can help by giving you a great customer base attracted by its simplicity and ease.


While the first quarter of this century promised for a wake in of technological innovations, detail R&Ds have made sure that advancements in the field would continue for far more years to come. Today's world is bearing fruits in the form of many such endeavours. Inventions of automated systems is one such phenomenal step towards equipping world with more rapid gains in every productive purposes.

The automation process, however, to a large extent is guided by the computers of this modern world. In the case of any business process the effective participation of computer in upgrading overall production is not a hidden fact any more.And while we talk of computers, a laptop in its portable avatar is more equipped to be consulted during any decision making process. It is one mobile technological marvel of this century that by virtue of its portability regulates many an important functioning. Impacting decisions and effectively influencing the fates of many a processes across the world.

Thanks to the population of features that these devices nowadays come with. With multi-purpose roles, they are more able to meet your requirements now. Dell, Apple, Compaq, Toshiba, IBM, Acer and many other laptops manufacturers, today, come ahead to offer you with products that speak of many a performances.

Aided with advancements in micro-technology there are processors to fulfill each needs.All the laptops, today, comes stuffed with more than enough system memory and PCI slots to accommodate future enhancement necessities. Resultantly, laptops with 128MB or 256MB memory possibilities are coming equipped with 1GB and above of system memory. These statistics stand true for hard disk drives too. From 10GB specialities laptops, today, come equipped with 100GB of hard drive. Enough space to accommodate many of your data. To equip you with space for more movies and music, optical drives in laptops offer supports for files in CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM and DVD-RW formats. Any type of disks are just ready to be played now.

Not to forget the vast range of connectivity options. They come with internal modems, WLAN (WiFi) and Ethernet support. While all these options maximise functions of a Cheap laptops, they are finding more acceptance from the crowd that was once more inclined towards desk tops only.


Not long ago there was a huge crisis that technology people and politicians claimed would separate the first world and third world by even a greater chasm. Indeed, it was predicted to divide the rich and poor in the United States even more and cause many in the Middle Class to plunge into the abyss and even put them out on the street, as our society turned into a Knowledge Based Society. None of this ever materialized.

Now we see that the One Laptop Per Child or OLPC program is gaining momentum and they have the price down to $199.00 which if anyone has noticed has caused quite a stir at the bottom end of the PC World with Toshiba selling laptop basics for $299 with rebate. So, it appears that the digital divide never materialized and as the Christian Science Monitor noted, it never added up in the first place.

With WiMax and WiFi becoming more and more common, the Internet is all over and available almost in every nation. There are Internet Cafés and access to the Internet nearly everywhere, even in remote regions of the Planet. The digital divide is simply no longer an issue.

The biggest problem now is not with the ability to gain access but rather the fact that some nation's governments want to censor the information to prevent their citizen from getting the knowledge available. So the real challenge is not with the availability of the technology rather the selective moves of some third world leaders to limit access, in order to maintain control over the people.


One of the key tools in the Six Sigma "toolkit" is its problem solving methodology. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. The key to the success of this methodology is its focus on using data-driven tools to identify what is to be changed and then to monitor the actual impact of changes in a feedback loop.

As IT managers we may feel that our existing project and development methodologies already provide the tools we require and that Six Sigma has nothing new to teach us. Experience with numerous IT projects and with leveraging Six Sigma into the IT project space has shown clearly that Six Sigma really does have something to offer!

Note that the DMAIC methodology is highly iterative and will often loop multiple times through 2 or more steps.


What is the problem we are working on, and why? Who is the customer and what are their requirements? How is this currently being done and what are the benefits of making the improvement?

Too often, IT projects start with an assumption that something "IT" needs to be done and take for granted the fact that a new system is required, or that changes to an existing system are necessary. Unfortunately these projects often discover far too late that they were solving the wrong problem, or in fact that no problem even existed, and the project is cancelled or the system falls into disuse despite significant sums of money and large amounts of well-intentioned effort being invested.

Even when the problem (or "business requirement") is well defined, the approach taken to solving it may be based on inefficient or outdated assumptions which are never challenged because "that is how we do things here...".

With DMAIC we start be reviewing these fundamental assumptions and focus on the goal of understanding the needs of the customer and how we can best improve delivery of them.

The Define phase will typically result in at least draft versions of the following:

1. A business case - Why are we doing this?
2. Problem / opportunity and Goal statement - What is the problem and what are the expected results?
3. Constraints / assumptions - What limitations or expectations are being made?
4. Scope - What is "in bounds" for this project
5. Players and roles - Who are the stakeholders and what are their roles?
6. Preliminary plan - What are the overall phases and when will they be completed?


This step has two main objectives:

1. Gather data to validate and quantify the problem/opportunity identified in step 1 above.
2. Begin collecting facts and numbers that offer clues about the causes of the problem or the solution to an opportunity.

Accurate and comprehensive collection of data is a key element of the Six Sigma process and must be done thoroughly and completely.

In typical IT project methodologies the project defines "test cases" which are examples of how a system might be used and the expected behaviour. Six Sigma goes beyond this by identifying the key indicators of customer satisfaction with the overall business process, enabling the role of any IT based improvement to be understood in the larger context of the business and its ability to serve customers.


In this step the data that has been collected is analysed using a variety of statistical methods and team-based processes in order to find the "root cause/s".

Six Sigma provides a wide variety of tools for assisting with data and problem analysis, collected from many disciplines and earlier methodologies, which are well tested and understood.
Improve (Implement)

Once the potential root causes/s have been identified (and only then) the team begins to find creative solutions and implement them. The rigour of defining and measuring the key indicators early in the process enables the impact of these improvements to be monitored accurately.

It is tempting (and usual) for teams to leap into a project at the "Implement" stage. DMAIC provides a robust framework for ensuring that initiatives that reach implementation are most likely to add value to the business and can be measured to determine their actual impact as opposed to the expected outcomes.


The final step looks at how the improvements that the project has made can be sustained and maintained over time. It also ensures the organisation learns from any mistakes or big wins on this project and that these are fed back to other teams.

For IT based projects this step will include full handover of documentation and support responsibilities, detailed post-implementation reviews and ensuring that management supports the ongoing success of the project.


It was not long time back, that telephones were an ingredient part of our life. But with the change in time, things started getting changed. Telephones made way to mobile phones. With the entry of cell phones, making a call became too simple with carrying a mobile phone changed from a comfort to a necessity. Time has come when it is unbelievable to think of a world where no mobile phone exists.

In the beginning, mobile phones were something that can be used only for making and receiving a call. But as time passed, many modifications happened. There came head phones and speaker phones that reduced the task of holding the phone in hand while talking. It was then Bluetooth got launched.

Bluetooth in simple words is a standard and communications protocol basically designed for low power consumption, based on low-cost transceiver microchips in each device. It enables the devices to communicate with each other when they are in range. The devices use a particular type of radio communications system, which ensures effective communication even when they are not in the line of sight of each other. With the powerful transmission, they can communicate with each other.

Nokia, the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world is mainly known for its innovations done related to the mobile accessories. Nokia Bluetooth head sets enjoy a big market share taking sales much higher than its competitors. It becomes much convenient for the users as with Nokia Bluetooth head sets, it becomes easy to communicate with other Bluetooth connected devices. Even file transfers become an easy task.

This effective technological innovation along with the marketing techniques has made Nokia Bluetooth head sets quite popular in the mobile phone market.


It is a well-known fact that there is a severe shortage of competent and qualified IT people out there. Some of the reason is due to our Governments working to build the eGovernment initiatives, to systematize and become more efficient. Obviously, from a taxpayer's standpoint, that sounds good to you and I - if only the IT hackers were having a shortage too?

There are 86,000 IT people projected to be needed in the next five years in Canada alone, but they only graduate about 3,000 per year. Of those, 3,000 many are so new that they do not fully have the hang of things. The problems in the US are even bigger, of course the numbers are larger. If you look at all the needs of Washington DC for IT, you can immediately see the problem. What is the problem here and how can we solve it?

There are shortages of math and science majors, nurses, computer people and many other degreed personnel. Why are kids not flocking to these high paying careers? Well, it seems that parents are partly to blame, as IT Industry Analysts and College Admissions professionals say. IT is not glamorous, parents do not want their kids to grow up to be nerds and the parents have no real reference in their minds - IT, what's that, we do not want you to grow up to be a professional geek.

Something must be done otherwise all these perfect systems we are building to help control our ever growing complex civilizations will fail and when they do, who will fix the code, fix the problems and protect our data? Think on this.


One of the most important factors in purchasing the right laptop comes down to choosing the right screen. In this article, I will give you some specific tips you can use to purchase a laptop with a right kind of screen that works for your situation. We'll discuss the issues of budget and practical uses which determine what kind of screen will be most beneficial for you. After reading this article, you should have all the information required to make the right purchase on your next laptop.

Not all screens are created equal. Their are standard aspect ratio screens, and then there are widescreens. There are 17 inch screens, there are 15 inch screens, and sizes even smaller than that. Some screens boastantireflective technology. But what does this have to do with you?

Before we can determine what screen is right for you, we have to know your situation. What are you going to use your laptop for? If you're going to use it for games, multimedia purposes, photo editing, music production, etc. then there are specific types of screens that will help you get the best out of these experiences. On the other hand, if you're going to be using your laptop more for research, work, or to check your e-mail then less may be more.

To start with the differences between a widescreen is standard aspect ratio screen. A widescreen is beneficial mostly for DVD watching. This is because the horizontal or vertical proportions closely mimic a home theater. Although widescreens can be beneficial for gamers, it hasn't quite reached the mass market yet. Most games are still made for a standard aspect ratio screen, although the future trends point to widescreens.

Widescreens are not as easy for the user who reads a lot of text on the computer. This is because a widescreen doesn't have as high a vertical display. This means there is going to be more scrolling when you're reading text documents. How will this affect you? You must consider how often you read information on the Internet and your computer, versus how often you use it to watch movies, play games, and run programs with complex interfaces.

Another thing to consider is your lifestyle. Are you going to be taking your laptop with you everywhere you go? Or is it mainly going to be commuted to and from work, and that's it? Believe it or not, a large portion of the weight on your laptop is from your screen. Try this -- go to the store and pick up a laptop with a 17 inch screen, and then pick up a laptop with a 14.1 inch screen. Are you surprised at the difference in weight? Many people who have a big-screen complain about the weight of carrying it around.

There are currently many innovations being worked on, regarding laptop LCD screens. If a dealer tries to woo you into purchasing a certain brand, because it has special anti-reflective technology which reduces glare, don't be tricked. Almost every manufacturer has this technology, and has it specifically under their own name. The best test is the eye test -- compare one display to another, and choose the one they'll express to you. That's the one is going to have a better display, for your purposes.

One thing to consider is how often you plan on using the laptop while it is running on battery power. There are specific kinds of laptop screens which utilize different amounts of backlight, to power the screen. The backlight is the most intensive on the laptop battery. There are new innovations in this area, including a white LED light which is being developed, and other options to help give the battery more power, and last longer. If this is something that's a major concern with you, talk to a dealer about what options are available for you, regarding backlight efficient laptop screens.

In conclusion, I have given you some options to consider when purchasing your next laptop. Obviously, there are other factors that are involved besides the screen, however the screen is a big source of grief for people who purchase a laptop and are unhappy with it. Follow the advice given in this article, and use it appropriately the next time you are shopping for a laptop, and are considering the screen size.


If you'd like to get a real insight into how life was over half a century ago there are few better ways than immersing yourself into the wonderful world of old time radio.

Old time radio is like an audio-only time machine into times gone by, in a way that no other

The difference between old time radio and television or film, and one of its major strengths, is that it is audio-only. Once you close your eyes the only input you have is audio, which means that, with a little imagination, you can easily transport yourself back to a comfortable chair positioned next to the fire, in a 1940s home.

What you are experiencing is exactly the same as what someone in the 1940s experienced if they sat by the fire with their eyes closed. Once you've set the scene you need to choose what aspect of history you'd like to focus in on. Luckily, almost every old time radio show offers you a glimpse into these bygone days.

Obvious choices for those interested in a historical perspective would be news broadcasts of the time. This could be anything from the famous presidential broadcasts of the time through to news of the war and other major events of the time. But there's so much more than straight forward news broadcasts and each of these will give you a different insight into everyday life for people living in the 1930s, 40s and 50s.

If you put on an old time radio thriller such as Suspense or The Whistler you'll be exposed to a world that reflects the society of the time. You'll quickly pick up on the differences in the sexes between now and then. Old time radio is full of stereotypes that will seem alien to people who were born in the latter half of the twentieth century.

You'll discover a world where men were tougher and rarely showed their true feelings, a world where the role of the woman was rarely more than the supportive housewife or downtrodden victim of crime and a world in which it was down to the man to protect the woman and very rarely the other way round.

If you choose to listen to a comedy you'll quickly realize that racial stereotypes are prevalent. Black people are rarely the star of the show and if they are they tend to be played by white actors, which is something that would be completely unacceptable, and rightly so, in today's world. You'll also come across some amazing stereotypes of people from all over the globe. The British always sound upper-class, people from India always sound like snake charmers, French people always sound romantic, and Latin-American people always seem to be manual laborers or villains.

This stereotypical characterization would be laughable in today's world, but in the old-time radio of the 1930s, 40s and 50s it reflected a society that often (but not always) held rather narrow stereotypical views of anyone who was not a white American.

Another aspect of old time radio that provides an amazing insight into this period is the advertisements. It's funny that these days we try to avoid the advertisements and focus on the programme, but with old time radio shows the advertisements are often as entertaining as the shows themselves. You'll find yourself exposed to everything from war-bonds through to a great many advertisements focusing on car parts and gasoline.

These days, there's little to distinguish between one gasoline provider and another, but in the 1940s, particularly when the war was in full flight, gasoline suppliers were working hard to explain to people why their gasoline was preferable to the gasoline of other suppliers.

You'll quickly realize that there was a great deal of sexism in the world of advertising back in the golden years of radio. Advertisements for household cleaning products were unashamedly aimed at women whereas advertisements relating to financial issues or cars were all aimed at the man of the house.

These trends have continued to a greater or lesser degree into today's advertisements, but the directness of this sexual profiling was far more prevalent in those days than it is now.

One final thing that is worth listening out for is the social conditioning that went on in radio. Depending on which show you listen to this could include anything from promoting Christian values of what is good and bad (e.g. Family Theatre and its philosophy of "The family that prays together, stays together), through to justifications of current affairs. It must be remembered that this was a time when many Americans were giving a lot up to fight a war several thousand miles away, and so this constant drip-feed of justification helped to keep the public supportive of the war effort over a protracted period of time.

At a time when Hitler was using the radio as a powerful propaganda machine in Germany, and when the British Government was using the BBC to keep-up moral in the United Kingdom, the big radio stations of the time took it upon themselves to keep up the spirits of their listeners in America and wherever else American radio could be heard.

Hopefully, this short article will have given you a small glimpse into the wonderful world of old-time radio and how it can help you to better understand the period between the early 1930s and the late 1940's. There is much more to learn from it than the observations I have made above, but if this starts you off on a journey of discovery using old-time radio as your time-traveling machine of choice, then my time writing it has been well spent.


The Apple iPhone calls for a digital revolution. And of its advanced features the gadget is indeed a to-revolutionize gadget.

Those users navigating the iPhone's touch screen had a tough time to cope with the latest gadget functionalities. Other feature that comes with the Apple iPhone is its zoom facility that facilitates to make pages larger and larger thus making it view nicely.

It is to be mentioned that the Flash-heavy pages don't work in the Apple iPhone. To those users who go by music and music, the Apple iPhone comes with an enriching musical experience. Since it had to compete hard with the phones that are getting music storage and playback capabilities comparable to other gadget of the same genre.

Moreover, those user who has spent years enjoying the iPod device and thinking how cool it would be if Apple could put a phone and a Web browser inside, your day has come. They can experience the rest of the world through the little screen and white earbuds.

Call quality in the phone is fine. It's fun to dial with the touch screen. The iPhone makes it easy to view and e-mail photos, but its camera doesn't zoom, take video or capture as many pixels as some other high-end phones. It will soon seem rudimentary.

All the iPhone extras take a toll on battery life. Interestingly, if you're looking for a pocketable computer, the iPhone is the state of the art. It will take time for other computer companies to produce devices with so many features and a comparable interface in such an elegant package.

It's amazing how much technology is stuffed between its crisp display and its brushed metal back. The bundled applications are nice and easy to control. The hardware feels terrific and looks great, even though the screen is constantly smudged by fingers.


How many times has your computer become slow? Many reasons that may cause this is lack of RAM, filthy computer(yes, it is possible that your computer may have become a sespool of filth and vermin), and many other reasons. However, these 5 things should speed up your computer especially if you do more than 1 of them.

1. Format your computer, or run the recovery CD. One of the most complicated things on this list is reformatting your PC. You should do a virus scan with a good program, then backup your files, and run the Windows XP CD or recovery CD that came with your computer. Usually, it comes with instructions. Be sure to backup your files, and, if you suspect a virus is on your computer, that you will run a virus scan on all files you backup before you reformat.

My favorite way of backing up is through network. That is, put the files on another computer on the network instead of burning them to DVDs(I don't know how many DVDs it will take to get my documents). If you don't have a network set up, then you should burn your important files to DVD.

2. Adding More RAM to your system. Just use a tool and buy memory from a trustworthy place like TigerDirect( It has a special tool for determining the right RAM for your computer. Now, usually you should know how much RAM came with the computer. The norm for regular PCs is around 512MB to 1GB. I would suggest that, if you already have 1GB, just get another 1GB stick.

Remember to make sure you have the right RAM for your PC. The tool that I linked to has a special configurator, like I mentioned before, so enter in your PC make/model to find the right RAM for you.
If you have 512MB and want top performance, get 2 1GB sticks. You can settle with 1, but it wont deliver like 2GB...

3. Running ScanDisk. This fixes up drive errors very fast and easily. On Windows 2000 and below, just go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> ScanDisk. You can also run Disk Defragmentor, which is in the same menu as ScanDisk. On XP/Vista, just go to My Computer or Computer, then right-click your hard drive. Click Properties, then click on the Tools tab. ScanDisk and the Disk Defragmentor Utility should be there.

4. Running Disk Cleanup. Its more of a disk cleanup than a performance boost, but it good to keep your PC healthy. Its also found in the System Tools folder in both Windows 2000 and below and XP/Vista...

5. Fifth and finally is cleaning up your desktop and startup programs. This speeds up startup usually. In XP really removing startup files is unnecessary, so just clean your desktop. On Vista, press start, then where you can search in the start menu, type System Configuration. Open System Configuration, then click the Startup tab. Press Disable all. Click the Services tab. Press Disable All.

This will stop all programs from starting up. If you want to still have a certain program start up, after you have pressed Disable All, find it in the list, check it, then just restart your PC.

I think I have OCD, and I always have a clean desktop unless I am working on a website, project or program(it usually ends up clean pretty soon however). I always empty my recycle bin, and that clears some clutter from your computer. My tip on having a clean desktop is mainly just dispose of all your shortcuts that you dont need and put files in their right folders, usually in My Documents. This also ensures that you will get all your important files by just backing up 1 folder; My Documents.

Also, if you do want to have shortcuts to programs and you want to have a clean desktop, download this cool program called RocketDock( Its a free, no spyware/adware/malware tool where you just put all your shortcuts into a dock...


A tablet PC is a portable, smart looking computer. Though much smaller in size, it is fully equipped with the functionalities that a laptop or a PC contains. But unlike the other type of computers, it does not have any keyboard or mouse. Rather, it has a touch screen that enables computer operation with a special type of digital pen. You give commands to your computer through this digital pen.

Thus, the digital pen of a tablet PC functions almost alike the mouse or the keyboard. The only difference is that instead of the keyboard, you use your own handwriting to type words. The screen receives information through this special pen. The digitizing tablet technology also allows you to input data using your fingers as the touch screen of the device is sensitive to fingertip as well.

Typically, this device runs on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition and Windows Vista operating systems. The power-packed device literally looks and feels like a real notebook and allows you to take notes the old-fashion way. With it you can perform a lot of fascinating functions like personalizing an email, power point presentation, designs and illustration with your own handwritten markings or drawings.

A tablet is also Table to transform your chicken scratch penmanship into a coherent digital text for a more professional and organized presentation. This is due to the handwriting recognition function included in it. Basically, these computers are available in three models – convertible model, slate model and rugged model. Convertible model looks almost like traditional laptop having a keyboard attached to it. They are able to rotate 180°. Slate models are slim and ultra-light as they do not have any keyboard attached to them.

When buying this device, it is important to take note of functionality and security. You might be tricked by given wrong configuration. Keep in mind that an ideal tablet PC has a gesture recognition functionality that enables you to program your computer according to your specifications. So, it is advisable do some deep online research so that you can learn about the latest products available in store.


When it comes to plasma vs LCD TV screen size, plasma TVs has the advantage, they are the current size champion, but the developing technology of LCD TVs is catching up, they also have screen sizes that range from 32 to 63 inches. Panasonic does make a this kind of television that is 103 inches, but it is not for consumer use.

When you compare viewing angles, plasma vs LCD TV screen, the latter screen has the advantage. The advantage is only a small margin. The viewing angle for a plasma TV is up to 160 degrees and the viewing angle for an the second type of television is up to 175 degrees.

Screen refresh rates vary only slightly with plasma vs LCD TV screen technology. The former displays refresh and handle rapid movements in video like CRT TVs. The latter improved their refresh rates because they were designed for data display.

When it comes to weight, LCD TVs are lighter, more portable and cheaper to ship. With this comparisson screen durability test, the LCD TVs win they are a lot less fragile than the other kinde. For the other hand the plasma type are so fragile that they are tricky to ship and also to install. Installation of a television of this kind should be done by a professional while the others can be self installed.

Plasma vs LCD TV screen product lifespan is not an effective way to differentiate them. Former have a reported half life of 30,000 to 60,000 hours. The average CRT television, the kind most of us have at home, has a half-life of around 25,000 hours.


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You end up shortchanged. Know your CCTV glossary and get the right surveillance system to suit your needs for home and office security. It won't hurt to learn new terms.

How's your CCTV vocabulary?

So you know about video surveillance and CCTV. You've seen these in the spy movies and heard about these in the news. You've seen those silent eyes every time you deposit or withdraw money at the bank. When the time comes for you to get your own security system, do you know what to purchase? It's different when you know what you want and getting it on your terms.

Perhaps your CCTV glossary or vocabulary is limited to spy cameras, indoor and outdoor cameras, and nanny cameras. How can you as a customer be right when you cannot explain an Access Card and a DivX? When you make an order with that limited knowledge, you'll be surprised at the host of terms that'll assail your brain.

You can take your copy of the CCTV glossary to the store and check it out occasionally just to be sure you are talking with the supplier on the same wavelength. It's different from those student days when you had to memorize all those scientific terms that get stuck in your tongue when you try to pronounce them and you wouldn't dare to peek at your list during your exams.

So when the seller explains you need an Access Card in case you leave the management of the security system to a trusted staff while you're away from the office, you'll know what he is talking about. But this is a simple example. What if he asks you your requirements for YIQ? Gotcha!

How to use an online CCTV glossary

A glossary is a list of terms with their definitions. It will be easy to spot what term from the 249 terms you want to check out without having to thumb through a thick tome.

An online site with a CCTV glossary is generally mouse-friendly. When you get to the web page, you will immediately see the directory of terms. The terms are alphabetically arranged and there are tabs on the top of the list. Click on the A tab and presto, you'll be led to A page where the definition of Access Card is given. You can have the glossary printed too.

When you are shopping for a security system, check out the product and its features. If there are unfamiliar terms, quickly refer to the CCTV glossary to get a clearer understanding of how the gadget works. Compare items until you spot the very thing you need.

The importance of the CCTV glossary

When you show you know the surveillance language, the seller will be comfortable dealing with you. A good purchase also depends on the customer's knowledge of the item he is buying. There will be no after-purchase recriminations because you know what you are getting, thanks to the CCTV glossary.

It pays to know your CCTV glossary before getting your security cameras or CCTV security system. Visit now and get updates on the latest and hottest surveillance systems for your home and office.


With the release of the new IPhone and all the features this new phone can do it is no wonder that people are looking for Free IPhone Downloads. Normally to get free downloads for software; people have been using peer to peer networks to get all of their media.

The only problem is that these peer to peer networks can be full of viruses and you won't really know what file you will be getting until your download has finished by which time it may be to late.

Also on these sorts of networks there is a lot of copyrighted material and if you are caught downloading them then you could end up with a big fine!

There is still ways you can get Free IPhone Downloads though, and this article will tell you some things to look for before you join any IPhone Downloads membership to make sure you are getting the most for your money.

The first thing you should look for before you join any Free IPhone Downloads Service is what media you will have access to. What I mean by this is will they give you access to movies, TV shows, music or games? Make sure that you know what sorts of media is included in the membership as the worse thing that could happen is to join a Free IPhone Downloads service and find some old files that you could of picked up somewhere else.
The second thing that you should make sure you find out before joining is what the technical support is like.

As if you know how the customer service deals with your queries then you will not have to worry if you run into any problems. A good idea is to "test" this out by sending an email to the technical support email address and seeing how long it takes them to get back to you!

The last thing you should check before joining any Free IPhone Downloads website is to make sure that they include all the software you will need to transfer the movies, music or games to your IPhone as if they do not then they might charge you separately for them and the cost can soon mount up!

I hope this article has given you a few pointers when you are looking for Free IPhone Downloads, and helps you find a service that gives you what you are looking for!


Computer programming is not for everyone, working with computers constantly is hard work not physical work but very much mental. The drawbacks of working with computer are you cannot really work outside, tired eye and some days I personally cannot go near my computer. In saying that I love working with computers. My first computer was a commador 64bit and since then technology has integrated into nearly everything in modern life.

One huge lie is that you need a college degree to work as a computer programmer. Computer Programming has well paid jobs anywhere in the world, if you feel up to the task of learning a useful new skill. It is possible that you can learn computer programming in under 4 weeks if devoted enough.

I find it hard to dedicate oneself to learning no matter what age, but I believe with the right motivation anyone can learn to do anything, and start a new career in one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. You can learn from experts worldwide and learn what you need to know for the high paying Programming jobs. The first time I looked at computer code and languages I was totally confused, but I learned the computer languages and after practice to code quicker.

You can learn databases and software to become a programming. Pick the best computer languages for you to use. Information, techniques and hands on experience will lower your learning curve, increase your chances of a job, where to find jobs with these new found skills and lower your learning time dramatically.

I believe the best way to learn anything is to have a study plan which allows you to use your time more efficiently as if you have children and work. That's why I like home learning you can take you time no rush learn the way that best suits you. You can learn all the skills of the computer programming that are required for the higher paying contract work.


Google just acquired Jaiku, a company that broadcasts information regarding what you're listening to, and can announce even where you are, in real time to Google, enabling your friends, family, and presumably billions of strangers to learn, from moment to moment, what's going on in your head and your life.

Continuous transparency, track-ability, and streaming personal disclosures seem to be hallmarks of the current Internet age, and some are growing alarmed by the risks posed by emerging technologies to privacy.
But one of the concerned doesn't seem to be Jaiku co-founder Petteri Koponen, who said to the New York
Times that "Many people maintain their illusion of privacy," and therefore they may wish to limit some of the information that these new devices and programs broadcast.

Is this what privacy has become: Only an ILLUSION?

Separately, a company named Pudding, also located in Silicon Valley, is offering free internet phone calls to subscribers that permit their conversations to be bugged, i.e. to be monitored by voice-recognition programs enabling advertisers to place screen-pops on their computers as they flit from one commercially-valuable topic to the next.

When I voiced my concern to the President of Pudding in a live debate on CNBC, he acted oblivious to the loss of privacy that the foreseeable misuses of his service could cause.

Like a buggy program, he blandly reiterated, "We're just trying to provide a service."

Granted, the word "privacy" never appears in the United States Constitution, but it has come to be regarded as a fundamental right, bestowed by implication under the 14th Amendment, and enforced by courts.

Sometimes, it is defined as "The right to be left alone."

Is wanting to be left alone, in today's iPodded, iPhoned, and Googled world, simply an illusion?

When people seem so eager to waive their rights to privacy, by posting videos on MySpace and YouTube and by blogging, and by subscribing to Pudding and Jaiku for their "cool applications," should we protect these publicity hounds against their own folly?

More to the point, should we be concerned that the "reasonable expectation to privacy," which is the widespread legal standard, is shifting radically because of the inventions of technologists and the willing acceptance of the voyeurs and exhibitionists they serve?

In other words, are the nerds, freaks and early adopters rapidly eroding everyone else's right to be left alone, to reasonably reject electronic intrusions and the looming shadow of Big Brother?

If the rest of us don't speak up in a timely way, our silence might be construed as constituting "implied consent" to irreversible, 24/7 surveillance of nearly any kind.


When traveling overseas, voltage differences in various countries should be considered if you want to take along your TV, VCR, or DVD player. Luckily, there are products such as TV, VCR, and DVD voltage converters to make traveling with these items easier.

How Voltage Converters Work

Voltage converters, often called voltage transformers, enable you to use 110v TV, VCR, or DVD player with a 220v outlet or vice versa. Step down converters will lower the voltage from 220v to 110v (or other voltage ranges) while step up converters will raise the voltage from 110v to 220v (or other voltage ranges).

When Do You Need a Voltage Converter?

A voltage converter or transformer is needed when traveling to other countries where the standard voltage differs from the standard used in your own country. If your country has a standard of 110 volts and the country you plan to visit has a standard of 220 volts, then you will need an 110v to 120v converter. If the opposite is true, you'll need a 220v to 110v volts converter. Some countries offer both voltages, in which case you wouldn't need a voltage converter.

TVs and Voltage Converters

If taking your TV along, keep in mind that monitor formats for displaying television shows are often different in other countries. Televisions create a surge when turned on, so choose a TV voltage converter that is more powerful than the wattage indicated on the back of your TV set.

Though a voltage conversion will allow the television to work power wise, it will not make the format compatible. North American format for TV is called NTSC. Other modes such as PAL mode used in Europe are not compatible with a television designed for NTSC mode. So, a voltage converter plus a multi-system TV might be required.

VCR and DVD Players for Traveling

Traveling with a VCR and DVD player can also be a hassle if you own an older model. The older versions may not work with some formats of televisions overseas, and many models (old or new) will likely need a voltage transformer to operate. Check the format of your player to ensure it matches the format of the available television set. Also, find out the voltage of the country you plan to visit.

Once plugged in, the VCR and DVD player can be used to watch videotapes and DVDs from your country, but maybe not those from another country. Just like with TVs, there are various formats being used around the world for videotapes and DVDs such as NTSC and PAL.

Newer models of VCRs and DVDs called multi-system, code free, or region free will enable you to watch films from your country or from the country you are visiting. Also, some newer machines will convert the voltage automatically, so there's no need for a voltage converter with these.

Voltage Regulators

Voltage regulators act as both a voltage converter and a voltage stabilizer. There are two types of regulators - Servo and Relay. A Servo type regulator stabilizes voltage by adjusting the converter or transformer to the desired output voltage. It gives the most precise voltage and is great for areas with unstable voltage currency. The Relay type regulator works electronically and is not as precise as the Servo type.

Before you go, find out what type of format and voltage converter you will need for your TV, VCR, or DVD player. If staying at a hotel, phone or email a hotel clerk to gather the information you need. Then, go online to shop for plug end adapters, voltage converters, or even a new multi-system or code free TV, VCR or DVD player for your enjoyment!