
Sunday, November 4, 2007


Step 1 - Clearly Define the Project

During project initiation phase, it is imperative that key stakeholders have a clear understanding of what the project goals are and how success will be measured. The first step in defining the "what" of the project is to develop a scope statement. The scope statement outlines the justification for the project, its products, objectives, deliverables and serves as the basis for future project decisions. The Scope Statement can be as short as a few sentences or as long as a couple of pages. Of course, the scope statement will not be as detailed as the overall project plan, but should contain enough detail to help define the work required to complete the project. A well-written scope statement will become the primary input to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Step 2 - Spend Quality Time with your Project Experts

Stakeholders often expect accurate estimates even before the project team has had an opportunity to assess, evaluate, and plan the work. At this stage pin point accuracy is not realistic but reliable estimates are very possible when the right people are involved in the process. To achieve this, it is essential that knowledgeable resources actively participate in the cost and schedule estimating processes. You must include the people who will be actually performing the work on the project or those who have experience with the type of project being estimated. In most cases, the project manager does not have the insight of those doing the work and team members are far more likely to endorse the plan if it reflects their own input.

Step 3 - Project Management Tools

On the down side, we do not always practice what we preach as it relates to the principles of project management planning. However, with the availability of the internet, public libraries and local bookstores, you will easily be able to find the latest information and valuable pointers on how to proceed. These sources will remind you of the the "Best Practices" that you learned in the classroom that tend to fall by the wayside when things get rushed as often happens during difficult or long projects.

When best practices are combined with the support of your group of experts you will be well on your way towards improving your projects success. By repeatedly following these tactics you will continue to deliver results that are consistent and measurable.

Lastly, one of the greatest resources for project information and direction that we often overlook comes from similar projects that you or your colleagues have done in the past. No matter how good or bad the outcome of a project, there will always be something valuable that you can take away and apply on your current or next project. So no matter how badly you want to forget a bad experience, keep the records in a safe place. You never know when you might be able to turn a bad past project into a future successful one.


One way of getting movies on to your ipod, is purchasing the movies you want, then ripping them onto your computer (which requires a DVD drive + Time), then you have to convert the movies to the format that your ipod can read (takes more time), and then finally transfer it onto your ipod (Takes even more time). There is an alternative solution to all this difficulty/waste of money and time. If you are wondering, How to download movies to my ipod? , please read on. I have answered the most commonly asked questions about this topic below.

1.) How is this method easier?

This method is easier because it saves you the time of going out and buying the movie,then getting it onto your computer, then converting and transferring it onto your ipod. When just downloading the movies in the ipod format and putting it your ipod is a lot more easier and cheaper.

2.) Are the programs used for Downloading the movies legal?

The programs listed below are legal and Authorized programs, and many people around the world subscribe to use their ipod to their full potential.

Here is a little hint: Anything that you pay for in the computer world is always legal

3.) What do I need to use these programs?

well, you need a ipod and a computer with an internet connection of course. Besides that just a good taste in movies

4.) Do the math/ is this method cheaper?

You will saves tons of money this way, because you wont be paying 30 dollars for a brand new release ,and you do not need to invest in any DVD ripping hardware or software ($100 - $200). All your paying for is one payment and u can download any movie on to your ipod.

5.) What else is offered with these programs?

There are many other things offered with this program. Not only movies are offered, you can also download , TV shows, seasons, Pre-recorded sports games/events, Music, Photos, Albums ..etc

6.) Do I need any extra software after i purchase the program?

Not at all. You will receive everything that you need in your member's area.

7.) How long will I have to wait to gain access to the program website?

instant access! After you join, your email-address will be instantly added to our database. You will then get an email which shows you how to access the members area.

8.)Are your services compatible with older iPods?

Yes! The only limitation is what your ipod is designed for. For example: if you have a ipod shuffle all you can download is music but if you have an ipod Video that you can download Videos.

9.) Okay, My question (How to download movies on to my ipod) is answered, now what do I do?

you can start by clicking any of the links below and subscribe for the program that suits your ipod needs


What is .NET?

.NET is the Microsoft Plan for connecting and sharing information, resources, systems and devices through Web Services for making more effective communication and collaboration between communities and people online.

.NET technology provides fast, efficient and easy to build, deploy and manage the secure solutions over the network using Web Services.

What are Web Services?

Web Services are reusable web applications that can be accessed over the internet from computers using different operating systems working together and exchanging information. There are 4 commonly used standard protocols for accessing and developing web services:

1. XML, Extensible Markup Language
2. SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol
3. WSDL, Web Services Description Language
4. UDDI, Universal Description Discovery and Integration

Working example of XML Web Services:

1. Client-to-Client: Clients or devices can apply web services to share the data anywhere anytime.
2. Client-to-Server: XML Web Services can share data between servers and desktop computers or smart devices connected via the internet.
3. Server-to-Server: XML Web Services provide a common interface between existing applications within independent servers.
4. Service-to-Service: XML Web Services collectively provide more complex data operations.

What is .NET Passport Service?

.NET passport is a Web-based Service of Microsoft .Net technology that provides the facility of fast and easy signing in to Web Sites. .Net Passport Service authenticates a user with a single set of sign in credentials on number of web sites participating in .Net Passport authentication services. It has reduced the need of remembering different login passwords of number web sites and made it easy for users.

Benefits of Web Services

Web Services enable the applications to share the data across different hardware platforms and operating systems. Few of the benefits of Web Services are:

1. Ease of connecting with affiliate partners and make easy collaboration and communication between business partners.
2. Provides more personal and integrated experience to end users who use smart devices like mobiles, PDAs or even PCs.
3. Revenue increment directly by enabling your business to make rich Web Services for others.
4. Easy development without wasting time and money.


Getting a Free Laptop has become a new trend. A "Get a Free Laptop" website owner was recently interviewed by CNN - since then the site's laptop giveaway had skyrocketed!

So how does the whole free laptop program work? The site which offers you a free laptop requires from 3 to 10 sign-ups to different programs and products. Some are free trials, some are 1-5$/month memberships which could be cancelled.

When you sign up for such membership, you become a potential client for the company. The owner of the site receives a pretty decent amount of money for each and every person who signs up through his (her) site. So if each company offers you 200$ for a new client, it adds up to 1000$ from 5 companies. Laptop costs 500$. When you sign up for all the memberships, the owner of the Get Free Laptop site receives 1000$, then sends you a 500$ laptop and his is profit is roughly 500$ per person. It's a win-win-win situation for you, advertiser and the Free Laptop site owner.

Be aware! Some of these sites are pure scam and will never give you a penny for anything. Certain sites were talked about in the news on CNN and NBC - the credible sites, the ones that actually give you a laptop when you complete the required offers. Spending 1$-20$ on great offers and receiving a brand new free laptop for it is one heck of a deal!

When you decide to get a free laptop, make sure the site is legit and real. If the site does not offer a way of getting in touch with them - it is 100% scam. You should also be able to verify your gift status at any time.


The first common mistake when referring to the Internet is that word. 'Internet' is the name given to all of the computers connected together in a network around the world, which form the Internet. The Internet has two main applications which people use, these being the World Wide Web (WWW) and E-mail (Electronic Mail). Firstly we will talk about the World Wide Web, so read on!

The World Wide Web (the web) is a collection of pages hosted on the Internet. These pages are held on servers (big computers) all over the globe. There are several tips and tricks which you should bear in mind as you browse the web.

Every day the Web becomes more and more sophisticated. With the rise of digital media, such as photos, music and video being available on the web, the pressure put on the network is growing rapidly. Sites such as YouTube host many thousands of videos, which can be requested at any time from anywhere in the world. These kind of websites use tremendous amounts of Bandwidth (how much data is being sent down the phone lines), and therefore can affect the speeds of the web.

Slow websites can often put people off from visiting, and may cause you to lose your patience and give up on the Internet all together. However, there are several ways of trying to ensure that you get the most out of the Internet, and in the shortest time possible!

Pictures, sounds and animations (such as those made in Flash) can slow down the speed of a website. If you are looking for fast responding websites, always check to see whether there is a 'Text Only' version of the website. If you don't require the pictures on a website then you will often notice how much quicker the text only pages are to load.

My next piece of advice is... DON'T DOUBLE CLICK! Links on websites should only be clicked once. As long as the status bar at the bottom of your browser shows that the page has begun to load, clicking again will only slow the process down. If you click a link on a website more than once, even a double click, causes massive delays to pages downloading. This is because, when you click on a link, a request is sent to the web server for that website for the page to be loaded, if you click on the link again, another request is sent, and everything which has already been loaded from your first click is lost, and you have to start waiting again! Remember, web links only need clicking once!

If you're following all of the above steps, and webpages are still appearing slowly then it may be worth upgrading your computer / Internet connection or both, in order to make your Internet experience more enjoyable. Faster connections mean less download time, and you'll notice a real difference in pages with pictures and video content!

If you've got the hang of using the Web itself, you're probably thinking "OK, I know what I'm doing, but how do I find what I'm looking for?" Search engines are the most popular choice for finding what it is that you're after. Some of the most popular ones are Google, Yahoo and MSN. Here is a piece of useful advice for using search engines: Before clicking on a link (in a search engine), take a look at the URL, or 'web address' (this usually starts in HTTP://WWW.). In search engine results, this is usually displayed below the description of the result, or can be seen by hovering your mouse over a link. The URL will then be temporarily shown in the Status bar at the bottom of your web browser. Refrain from clicking on links which point to URL's which are obviously comparison websites, where the information you have searched for is displayed with suggested links, or sponsored links. This often results in double the time being spent actually trying to find what you're looking for.

Search engine results can be hit or miss, but the majority of the time, you will have little success in finding what you're looking for using a search engine. Another way to find information is by using directory services, these include Google Directory and Dmoz. These directory websites are arranged by category and often include a search facility too. They effectively categorize websites so that you don't waste time searching by keywords, but by what you're looking for. After familiarizing yourself with these directories, you will probably find that they will save you lots of time on search engines!

Thankfully, speeding up your email usage is a lot simpler. There are some golden rules. These include; unless it is essential do not send large attachments. They take a long time to leave your machine, and they bug the recipient as they take a long time to download too. The second pointer is, don't fill your emails with smileys and graphics, as these add to download and upload times. Again, if your system takes a long time to download mail, consider a faster Internet connection. If you are looking to create yourself an email address for the first time, free services are available from Gmail, Yahoo and Microsoft Hotmail as well as numerous other providers.

I sincerely hope that this article has helped increase your Internet efficiency, and wish you many happy years of Internet browsing!


So you think you've got a computer virus.

Well, if your computer's acting funny all of the sudden, chances are pretty good you've got a virus or some other malware causing the trouble. This can be a very disturbing feeling and if you're like me, you'll want to do whatever it takes to get your computer back to normal again.

Luckily, in almost all cases, dealing with a virus situation is pretty straight forward. In fact, there are really only three steps:

1. Detect the virus 2. Remove the virus 3. Prevent future viruses
There are lots of free online virus scan tools that can help you detect viruses which is the first thing you need to do. Two that I can recommend are the McAfee Stinger tool and the Panda ActiveScan online tool. Both of these tools are very effective at detecting viruses and the Panda ActiveScan tool is also good at detecting spyware.

I recently ran the Panda ActiveScan tool on my laptop. Installing the tool takes several minutes but it's pretty painless. It ran for about 5 minutes and luckily my laptop is virus free! However, it did detect 45 cases of spyware. The spyware all looked like harmless cookies from various websites so I left them alone.

Now that you've detected the viruses, you need to go to step #2, removing the viruses. The good news is, the McAfee Stinger download will not only detect the virus, it will often be able to remove the virus, too. The Panda online scan tool will only detect the virus but will only remove any viruses found for a small fee.

You've found and removed the virus from your computer. The final step is to keep your computer from getting infected again. There are two very important things you need to do to prevent future viruses. First, you need to make sure your computer always has the most current updates and patches. If it's a Windows computer, click here to make sure it's up-to-date:, then follow the instructions.

The other thing you need to do is make sure you have good antivirus and antispyware software running on your computer at all times. My personal recommendation is to use the Panda Security Anti-Virus Products. They've been in business since 1990 and their antivirus applications are top notch. There are lots of great antivirus applications, though.

The key is to make sure you've got the antivirus software running and it has the most up-to-date virus definition files (also called DAT files). You could have the greatest antivirus software in the world but if the virus definitions are even a little bit out of date you've increased your chances of getting reinfected.

Even though you got hit with a virus, if you follow the three steps I outlined here, you'll have a clean system and be more protected from viruses and other malware in the future.